KK Gupta Constructions
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Board of Directors
"The company that we run has a strong heritage of professionalism that places the highest value on merit and integrity. In the 17th year of the existence of KK group, all the directors on our board are conscious of our responsibility in transforming the organization to make it truly world class, to ensure its continued long term success and growth."
Shri K K Gupta
KK Gupta, Chairman of the company (also Chairman –Chamber of Commerce & Vice Chairman of Municipality, Dungarpur) has started excavation and construction business before decades with a proprietorship Concern named as M/s K K Gupta in Dungarpur, Rajasthan from last 28 years.
With his continuous efforts and hard work the company has establish itself as a pioneer of infrastructure industry .His rich experience is become back bone of the company .
Shri Ankur Gupta
Shri Ankur Gupta, Director of the company has completed Masters in Accountancy and Finance from London. With his management qualification he has joined hands with his father Shri KK Gupta and started to expand the business to the new heights. He is responsible for deploying the Company's strategic vision and developing business alliances as well as the management team.
He is well known and respected in the professional community and has been responsible for successful delivery of some of the most prestigious Projects.
Smt. Sushila Gupta
Smt. Sushila Gupta, Director of the company is a dedicated social worker.
Shri Ankit Gupta, Director of the company has completed B.Tech from London .With his Technical qualification he has joined hands with his Brother and started to expand the business to the Second heights.
Group of Companies
 Udaipur Office: KKG HOUSE, 1-A, Opp. Hotel Harsh Palace, Transport Nagar Goverdhan-Vilas, Udaipur, (Raj.) +91-294-2640252/53 Terms of Use | Privacy | Sitemap 
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